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Students: 3,036Programs: Tuition Tax Credit, Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 69,004Programs: Education Savings Account, Special Needs Program, Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 479Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Voucher Program
Students: 187,771Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Tuition Tax Credit, Voucher Program, Special Needs Program, Education Savings Account
Students: 21,396Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Voucher Program
Students: Open Enrollment Programs: Charters
Students: 7,642Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 45,192Programs: Voucher Programs, Tax Credit Scholarship, Education Savings Account
Students: 12,071Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 632Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Scholarship Tax Credit
Students: 0Programs: Education Savings Account
Students: 9,080Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Voucher Program, Special Needs Program
Students: 3,071Programs: Voucher Program
Students: 2,529Programs: Voucher Program
Students: 721Programs: Voucher Program, Special Needs Program, Education Savings Account
Students: 56Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 0Programs: None
Students: 2,083Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 720Programs: Education Savings Account, Scholarship Tax Credit
Students: 18,010 Programs: Voucher, Special Needs Program, Education Savings Account
Students: 67,664 Programs: Voucher Program, Special Needs Program, Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 3,720Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Special Needs Program
Students: 60,387Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 407Programs: Voucher
Students: 579Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 1,311Programs: Scholarship Tax Credit, Special Needs Program, Tuition Tax Credit
Students: 892Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 287Programs: Education Savings Account, Special Needs Program
Students: 964Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship, Special Needs Program
Students: 3,749Programs: Voucher Program
Students: 4,861Programs: Tax Credit Scholarship
Students: 1,835 Programs: Voucher Program
Students: 0 – New ProgramPrograms: Education Savings Account
Students: 45,594Programs: Voucher Program, Special Needs Program
At this time there are no active school choice programs in place. Express your support for private school choice below.