My family is extremely grateful to God for blessing us with the ESA so our children could have access to a higher quality education. Our family decided to apply at Gilbert Christian Schools after lots of research. Right away we noticed our kids were excited to go to school as opposed to dreading attending their previous public school. Not only do GCS’ beliefs align with our own, but our children are being challenged and advancing academically.
Initially, we hesitated even applying for an ESA and the school because the “process” intimidated us. We asked ourselves, what if we don’t get accepted, what if we can’t afford it, what if, what if. I encourage you to weigh out the work or intimidation of starting the process and instead visualize the blessing it will be to have your children receive what they deserve.
As parents we strive to give our children the best. It’s worth the effort and sacrifice! We settled on GCS because it fit our beliefs, our goals, and our lives. But there are so many other options that will fit your children’s needs and your family’s lifestyle. You’re probably like me and don’t want your kids hopping around from school to school. We all need structure and routine. But if you can give your kids a boost in their education now, they’ll have the upper hand in college and beyond.