Becoming an educator was a deliberate choice. Being a student most of my life instilled a love for learning, and I knew being a lifelong learner was a desire and joy. As I grew and matured, I realized that education was a great joy in my life. I loved learning, growing, children, and guiding. Education is not just book knowledge or passing a test. True education is growing, developing, and applying what I have learned within the context of a student/teacher relationship. God gave me a passion for students. Allowing them to become a doer, thinker and learner in the context of truth became clear to me as an eternal education. What a privilege and honor to grow and guide others within that context.
Education is often enhanced and delightful when parents, educators, and students are like-minded in core values. So on my journey of becoming an educator, I was drawn to Christian Education. God’s word was the foundation of identity, freedom, and calling in Christ. Being an educator is not a temporary calling, but it is eternal.
The mission of our school is why I am here. The mission of the Christian Academy is to develop students’ hearts for God, who will grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.
“The ability to have an education of choice should not be limited by dollars.”
The ability to have an education of choice should not be limited by dollars. Educational choice should be a freedom and opportunity for all students regardless of income. I am blessed and thankful to be an educator. It is hard work, but heart work is hard work.