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PROGRAM — Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

We have four beautiful children, all on the autism spectrum. When my oldest was three we placed him in priority preschool in our school district. Despite being in one of the best school districts in the state, we could see that our son was lacking in education and in building social skills. We started exploring schools that would offer him the skills he needed to reach his full potential and make valuable friendships. All of these schools were private schools.

I discovered Empowerment Scholarship Accounts offer parents the ability to use their child’s funding to pay for private education and therapies that otherwise would be financially impossible. We enrolled our children in private schools that allowed them to have a private aide to help with social skills and academics. This wasn’t offered as an option at the public schools, even though being with their neurotypical peers with support is the best way for them to learn and also make lasting friendships.

Our kids are happy, smart and well adjusted. They also LOVE school. It is a joy for them to go everyday and as parents we are amazed by the growth we’ve seen from them since enrolling them in private school. ESA has also opened opportunities for our children to learn new skills like survival swim and receive therapies (social therapy) that otherwise we wouldn’t have ever been able to afford.

ESA has changed our lives immeasurably for the better


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