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Press Release, State News

AFC Endorses Drew McKissick for Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party

AFC Endorses Drew McKissick for Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party

May 18, 2023

Today, the American Federation for Children enthusiastically endorses Drew McKissick for Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party.

Statement from Ryan Cantrell, National Director of Government Affairs, American Federation for Children:

“Drew McKissick has fought for decades to give South Carolina families more and better school options for their children. Frankly, McKissick was a friend to parents long before supporting school choice was the popular thing to do.

“Chairman McKissick understands that real parent empowerment begins with support for the broadest array of school choice options – including, but not limited to education savings accounts, tax credit scholarships, and charter schools. The Chairman also has the respect of elected officials and policymakers across the state – a key ingredient for any organization with a sincere interest in passing meaningful legislation.

“McKissick has been a reliable and valued partner in AFC’s efforts to expand school choice options in South Carolina. We look forward to continuing working with him toward our shared goal of bringing school choice to every family in South Carolina.


AFC is the nation’s largest school choice advocacy organization. In the past two years alone, AFC worked in states all across the country to help elect school choice candidates and pass laws that empower families to provide the best education for their children.


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