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The American Federation for Children is pleased to announce the addition of four new team members.

Amy Echols joins as Development Manager, Jordan Harding joins as Director of External Relations, Nathan Hoffman joins as Director of State Policy and Legislative Strategy, and Hera Varmah joins as Communications and Events Assistant.

Statement from Tommy Schultz, CEO of the American Federation for Children: 

“AFC is continuning to build a top-notch team to take on the challenge of our generation and ensure that every child has access to a school that meets their needs. It’s no secret that countless well-funded special interests stand opposed to this goal, and AFC is uniquely positioned to push back. I couldn’t be more excited to have Amy, Jordan, Nathan, and Hera on our team and part of this fight.”

Read more about our new hires:

Echols headshotAmy previously served as Director of Government Affairs and Implementation for AFC in Louisiana. She started her career as a college recruiter and then spent 16 years in the fundraising and development arena, including at Ochsner Health Systems in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Amy served as the American Cancer Society’s Executive Director in Baton Rouge and as Regional Special Events Director over six states.


Jordan's headshot
Jordan joins AFC from Goodwill of Central and Coastal Virginia, where she was Chief Community Officer. Before that, she spent 15 years working in government and government relations in Washington, D.C. From 2018-2020, Jordan was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. She has also held leadership roles at Virginia529 and the National Federation of Independent Business.

Nathan is an accomplished and recognized leader in the school choice movement. He has served in various roles at state-based and national organizations, including Empower Illinois and the Foundation for Excellence in Education, where he has successfully pursued legislation to empower families and strengthen the overall quality of the education system

Hera was a Florida tax-credit scholarship recipient and a Future Leaders Fellow at AFC. She chose to work in education reform so that every child in this country could have the same opportunity that was given to her. She has shared her story with advocates, legislators, and the public at events across the country.


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