Having my daughter enrolled in Legacy Traditional School has been a blessing. Sophia was so behind academically when she started going to Legacy Traditional school. Fortunately her teachers were incredibly patient and really made a difference in her academic growth! My daughter went from being in a school where she wasn’t being taught even the basics to being a straight A student! I am so pleased to see her development! So proud to see her work so hard and see the amazing results we’ve seen in her!
Sophia’s school is one academic year ahead and Sophia has no problem keeping up with all the challenges now. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to have her enrolled in this amazing charter school. Wouldn’t want it any other way!
Unfortunately, our public education here in Arizona is not the greatest and our children suffer the consequences of that. My daughter was very behind before going to Legacy Traditional School and no one really helped me with that at her other school. Within three months my daughter was up to school standards at Legacy Traditional and this was all thanks to the attention and patience her first grade teacher provided. This charter school offered after school and before school tutoring and my daughter attended both— this also played a huge role.
We as parents must search for a school that is willing to offer all the great things that a school has to offer our children. In other words, if we want our kids to succeed we must provide them with all the right tools. Even if this means driving a little further, sacrificing some of our time to sit down and do homework with them, become involved and engaged with their education, etc. We must do whatever it takes to help our children accomplish a better version of themselves each day. For us, this meant switching our children to Legacy Traditional Charter school and it has been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.