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PROGRAM — EdChoice Scholarship

After 3rd grade, my parents made a decision that would change my entire life. As a young child, I was clueless as to why I was leaving the local public school in my district, until the following year when I realized the private school that my parents had enrolled me and my siblings in was totally different.

I spent four years in the public school and was unaware of the faults in the education system. The failing public school system and atmosphere was completely normal to me. Fast forward to today: I am a fourth year senior at The Ohio State University. I will be graduating this spring. I do not believe any of this would have been possible without the EdChoice scholarship.

From 4th grade until 12th grade, through the EdChoice scholarship program, I was placed in a completely pure and stable teaching environment. I attended a school where I was never distracted by the faults and errors that I was once exposed to in my elementary public school. I went to college and began my life after high school more than prepared.

I believe that every child in America deserves the same opportunity. Our youth should be offered the opportunity to attend a school that focuses on raising education standards rather than trying to meet them.



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