Journey is a wonderful little girl who loves God, her family, school, and her friends. Journey enjoys playing outside, playing with her dog Champ, and loving on her siblings.
We chose Journey’s school because we wanted her to have a great educational experience and learn Spanish at a early age. We chose her school because it was highly rated and very well spoken of. The teachers at the school have a history of really caring for the kids and being very involved in their young lives! We found the school to be a blessing on so many levels over the years and we highly recommend it.
School choice has helped us properly educate our children and give them access to a better education that will afford them opportunities in life some of their peers won’t have.
“All families in America should be able to pick where they send their kids to school!”
All families in America should be able to pick where they send their kids to school! No parent should have to suffer at failing schools, understaffed schools, or poorly funded schools just because they live in a poor community or they can’t afford to pay for a better education. With school choice the money is there to better educate your kids.
School choice means a way out of a bad situation. A gift for the kids of parents who can’t financially afford private schools. A gift for kids who live in poor communities! A way for a family to change their future generations by giving the best gift you can give a kid and that’s a proper education!