I hope sharing my story can help another family consider sending their child to private school and change their lives like it changed mine.
Until high school, I had been in public schools all my life. Although my parents fought for me to go to better public schools through zone variances and open enrollment, my upcoming high school options were not rosy. My parents had not considered private school until then because they knew they couldn’t afford it and didn’t know about the Nevada Opportunity Scholarship Program.
“Because of the high expectations of the staff and administration for the students, I now have higher aspirations and goals for my future.”
A little research paid off and I now attend the best private high school ever! Because of the high expectations of the staff and administration for the students, I now have higher aspirations and goals for my future. With the COVID-19 pandemic and online learning, I am truly fortunate to attend a school where we all had our own computer and we had already been trained for distance learning.
Seeing how my former classmates are losing out on their education because public schools were unprepared, I am glad my parents chose to send me to private school where we didn’t miss a beat. But none of this would have been possible without scholarships.