My daughter Byanca has Down syndrome. She started attending school at two years and eight months old. I was a little worried since it was harder for her to communicate. The Head Start Program was good for her.
However, when she started kindergarten we began to notice that she was not learning. Byanca lives to learn! One day we stopped at the school to see how she was doing. Our daughter was left playing alone. She was also just left running around in the classroom sometimes.
We knew that she deserved better than that. We wanted a school that would help her learn and push her to be better. That is when a friend gave us the ESA (Education Savings Account) flyer and we learned that we could enroll Byanca in a small private school. There was no harm in trying. Now, Byanca is in a classroom where teachers know that Byanca is an intelligent girl and push her to be better.
“As a father of four kids, I want options for my kids because each one of them learns differently.”
As a father of four kids, I want options for my kids because each one of them learns differently. I also want all families to have the same option as my Byanca. She now atteeds a school that does not just see her condition, they see her. They help her learn and be better, but most importantly she now plays with friends! I have seen how Byanca has grown into a happy and independent young lady. All kids should have the opportunity to be the best they can be without limitations.