Our education savings account has had an enormous impact on our lives. I have been homeschooling my son for eight years now. When we applied and were approved for ESA last year, we could enroll Joaquin in music lessons, go on field trips, be in sports, and buy quality educational materials we couldn’t afford before. Now, we know he is getting the best education for him. He enjoys learning at home and learning so much more than just academics.
Some of his favorite subjects are music, history, and geography. We are in a homeschool group, and he is able to do and see way more than he was able to when he was in public school. I am thankful we have ESA and the option of school choice.
I feel that all families should have the ability to choose the kind of education they want for their children. If our tax dollars are used for education, why shouldn’t the parent have the right to choose the best education for them? Whether it’s a private school, homeschool, or public school, it should be the parent’s choice. If a school is failing, or your child is not learning what they should be learning, we as parents should be able to choose the right school for them. It shouldn’t matter where you live or how much money you make. Every child should be able to get the best education, and parents shouldn’t have to worry about what their child is learning or not learning.