PROGRAM — Charter School

I became an educator because I believe in helping students understand their intersecting identities before they attend college. I love having meaningful and authentic conversations with my students every day. My experience as an educator has been a fulfilling one. It has shown me in so many ways that I am truly walking in my purpose and making a difference in students lives.

I attended a fairly integrated public high school that provided me with a lot of fun memories, community building opportunities, and knowledge that helped me to become who I am today. I currently serve students at a public charter school which has a high percentage of Hispanic students as well as black students. Both experiences show me different sides of the education system and how I can work to improve it for my students in my role. There are many significant differences, but the most important experience I want to take to my students is school pride and sense of belonging. Having those while I was in school definitely helped shape the way I felt about school.

It is important for lower income families to be able to choose what school their children attend because students of lower income are just as deserving and just as qualified to attend their choice school. Being from a lower income family is outside of their control therefore it should be be a determining factor to decide their future. Knowledge is power and with that power you can accomplish anything.  Everyone deserves a right to a quality education!


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