Education has always been a priority in our family. I was raised to value opportunities and work diligently to pursue areas that would allow me to contribute successfully to our community. As I grew up and became a mother, education has remained an integral component of my life and a central focus in our family.

Our family’s educational journey was interrupted when I was unexpectedly diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during the summer between my son’s kindergarten and 1st-grade years. Because of the aggressive nature of my specific type of leukemia, the intensive treatments would last for years to come, and we knew we needed to identify a new school model for our son. We needed an educational environment to help him learn and keep me safe while my treatments continued. We were grateful to discover a new virtual public charter school and enrolled him in this program.

We discovered this new school option from a local public television commercial. It featured a brand-new virtual public charter school that could be attended anywhere. It also included a state-certified and nationally recognized curriculum that gave us access to incredibly talented, knowledgeable and experienced certified teachers. We chose this option because we felt confident this would provide our son with an excellent academic experience while ensuring he achieved similar academic progress expected by his peers. It also allowed us the flexibility to work around my treatment requirements and medical appointments.

Our son completed five years using this virtual public charter school option. And in the years that followed, our daughter attended – she is now starting her sixth year at Pecos Cyber Academy in New Mexico. We are grateful for this educational option and the positive results that have been seen in our children’s academic learning, growth, retention, and enjoyment in the learning process. Witnessing our scholars develop areas of specific interest, identify their subject strengths, learn personal accountability, and develop resilience in their learning process has been a true joy!

As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Each child is unique, their circumstances are distinct, and our education system should empower all to capitalize on their potential. Providing academic options enables students and their families to select the school that will create the greatest opportunity for their students to learn, grow, and become contributing members of our society!

Families should have the opportunity to seek out the best education option for their children and their circumstances. The power to select your child’s educational structure creates equity in education and competition within the school system. As educational entities evolve in the academic models, school systems will promote even newer education models to their communities.

This will allow families to access a uniquely specific school program, resulting in a relationship of accountability and partnership between the school institution and the family/child. With this model, everyone wins – students, families, teachers, and the community! Each child deserves access to the very best educational options for them!


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