I am a parent to my child who attends Edison innovation. He just started last year, and at first it was tough for him, but once his dad and I got more involved and talked with the school, he became better in his studies and happier in where he was.
They put their children at the school first. They put their educational needs before anything, making sure they strive in the areas they are strong in and help in the areas they are weak in. The staff makes it fun for them by having events, making reading fun, or even by doing much needed spirit weeks to bring the kids joy. Their clubs are phenomenal, because there are so many to choose from, making school that much more fun for the kids.
They check on us when there is something occurring, or even through this pandemic. They are very helpful, and always putting their kids’ educational needs first. Anything for them to strive for, they do. My son had a rough year, with many things that could break down a child, but he stood strong because his school was there for him in a way I never knew. All the classes are familiar with one another. Age is not a problem, and to see them interact with each other is so bittersweet because that is rare these days.
All families should be able to do what they feel is best for their child. Educational wise, and also what they feel is comfortable for them. Whether it is safety, or how they interact with the children. For instance, I chose Edison because I heard nothing but great things from a family member: The class sizes, the way they interact, and how close they all are with one another. I knew my son would be happy there.
I am so grateful for everything the staff has done for all of the kids and us, not only during these times, but before everything got hectic with COVID-19. They checked on us while we were all quarantined, and they made sure they kept putting their children first. The did anything to keep students less confused and wanting to do their school work. I have never been more thankful to have the proper staff for my child in his school year.