My name is Mason Gibson, and I went to a public school from Kindergarten through ninth grade. Then, my family and I decided to transfer to a private school close to us. A problem occurred between a student and my brother where my brother was called a not-so-nice word and that caused a problem. So, we took a stand and wanted the problem fixed but by doing that it split relationships with my family, my close friends, and buddies with the public school. The main reason all this happened was that the environment and attitude in the school were not good and was not what we wanted, therefore, we moved schools to be in a better environment and get the better positive education we needed for later on life. School for me now is so positive and fun and makes my days so much better. I believe you should be able to choose where ever you want to go to school and be happy learning in an environment that is positive and keeps you going.
“School for me now is so positive and fun and makes my days so much better. I believe you should be able to choose where ever you want to go to school and be happy learning in an environment that is positive and keeps you going.”
I know when I am an adult I will want my kids to go to a school that makes them happy and when they come home they want to talk about their day to me and my wife. The positive energy in the school my kids would go to is so important because everyone there is happy — which would make my kids happy and want to go to school, talk to other kids, and be active in school clubs. I go to a private school and there is no bullying and everyone is so nice and takes in anyone who is new to the school, and that is what I would want as an adult for my kids to be around. I am surely going to make sure my kids go to a positive environment-based school so they can be at their best and be so successful in life and so they are set for college.