Frida is a very smart girl, she is a dedicated student, she loves school, and this past school year she was on the honor roll the whole year. We are so proud of her.
I chose this school for her because of three things. First, for thier focus in math and science – this is very important for the kids to develop their brain. Second, they teach different languages, which is very important to me that my daughter is bilingual, or maybe and why not be trilingual? Third, and certainly not less important than the other two, they have a very strict hiring system to choose their teachers. It caught my attention the way they pick their employees because they just select the best and the most prepared teachers. This makes me feel confident about the school and I am pretty sure my girl is in the right place to learn and be prepared for the future.
The difference school choice has made for my child and family is to see that my daughter has learned many different things since she started attending her school. Before, I felt like she was getting bored or maybe losing interest in attending school. Now she is more open to talking to others, and as a family, it has impacted us because she is more confident and she is doing very well with her grades.
“I absolutely believe every single family and child should have the same privilege that my daughter has in exercising school choice because they all deserve to receive a high level of education.”
I absolutely believe every single family and child should have the same privilege that my daughter has in exercising school choice because they all deserve to receive a high level of education. It will make a big impact on their future if they receive the best instruction – the better they will be and the further in life they will get.
School choice means so much to me. It means a great opportunity for her and also for us. After looking here and there, I decided that the academy was the best option for my daughter. They gave her the opportunity that she couldn’t get in a regular school, since she wasn’t accepted in the district school because her birthdate was after the start date.