PROGRAM — Ed Choice Scholarship

Nathan Smith’s son, Micah, is a fifth grader at Tree of Life Christian School in Columbus.

School choice has given us the opportunity to send our children to a school with a safe, loving, and encouraging environment. I have seen the positive impact our small Christian school has made on their lives and I am grateful for the assistance.

Before choosing a school we looked at all our options, including the local public school. After visiting our current school we discovered an environment unlike anything else. The teachers cared about every student and truly seemed to enjoy their job. The positive attitudes, encouraging words, and inclusiveness of the student body was a rare example of how a school ought to be.

We were sure we wanted to send our children to this school but the cost was quite high. We applied for an Ed Choice scholarship and were accepted which has allowed us to send them to a school which I know will give them the best environment possible to succeed.


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