English Translation Below

Elegí esta escuela porque es especial para niños con Autismo y es un grupo reducido de niños y los maestros le ponen mas atención al aprendizaje. Mi nieto ha mejorado mucho es mas sociable, le da gusto ir a la escuela, le enseñan actividades que en su antigua escuela no tenia, yo le doy las gracias a ESA por cuanto ayudan para que todos los niños con problemas de aprendizaje tengan un mejor futuro.

Todos los niños con diferentes discapacidades en el aprendizaje deben de tener la oportunidad de salir adelante y que sus padres puedan elegir la mejor para cada niño

I chose this school because it is for children with Autism and has a small student population. In a small environment like this, I feel that the teachers pay more attention to each student’s learning. My grandson has improved a lot, he is more social, he is happy to go to school, and they teach him subjects that he did not have in his old school. I thank Education Savings Accounts for helping all children with learning disabilities have a better future.

“I thank Education Savings Accounts for helping all children with learning disabilities have a better future.”

All children with learning disabilities should have the opportunity to succeed and their parents should be able to choose the best environment for their children.


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