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National News

Empowering Parents: Watch AFC Staffers’ Inspiring Congressional Testimony

Wednesday morning, two AFC team members, alongside a parent advocate, explained why the cause of education freedom is so important.  

 School choice is on the march in states across the country. But in too many state capitols, legislators are still blocking what their constituents want. That’s why members of Congress must do whatever they can to advance education freedom nationwide.  

Watch the impactful video clips and be inspired by their testimony: 


AFC senior fellow Corey DeAngelis discussed the research surrounding school choice and the urgent need for Congress to act. He said:  

 “The momentum is on the side of education freedom. The latest RealClear Opinion Research polling from June of this year finds that 71% of Americans support school choice, with supermajority support among Republicans, Democrats, and independents. That support surged by 7 points since April 2020.  

  “These trends are no accident. The power-hungry unions held children’s education hostage to secure multiple multi-billion-dollar ransom payments from taxpayers. But they overplayed their hand and awakened a sleeping giant: parents who want more of a say in their children’s education.” 


 AFC communications and events assistant, and 2020 Future Leaders Fellow Hera Varmah, spoke about what school choice meant for her family. She said:  


“Consider the countless lives like mine that have been changed by this simple yet profound concept. Let us continue to champion and expand school choice, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to access a quality education and reach for the stars.” 

 Sharon Sedlar, a parent from Pennsylvania, spoke about what school choice has meant for her family and the difference it made for her daughter, noting that, “The availability of choice has made all the difference for us, but many other families don’t have the same opportunity.  As much educational opportunity as possible should be extended to families across the country. One, uniform option simply does not work for everyone. 

 Our children’s barriers must be demolished now. It’s time for the adults to step up and put them in the center of the conversation and remake education around students, not systems.” 

 We’re proud to keep leading the discussion on this critical issue and appreciate the House Ways and Means Committee for extending the invitation for our team members to share their perspectives.
Stay tuned as we continue on this mission. 


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