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AFC Applauds Arizona House Passing Universal ESA

On Wednesday, Arizona, the first state in the nation to pass an Education Savings Account (ESA) program, passed a bill through its State House that would expand the program to universal eligibility.

House Bill 2853 expands Arizona’s ESA, the Empowerment Scholarship Program, to all 1.1 million K-12 students in Arizona and includes other important reforms to the program, including allowing families to use ESAs for transportation and computers. The bill now goes to the Senate, who have long been stalwart supporters of school choice, echoing public sentiment, including a majority of Arizona residents.

If the bill is passed by the Senate, Governor Ducey is expected to sign it into law.

Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA) program allows parents to receive scholarships for educational expenses, such as private school tuition, online education, education therapies, and tutoring.

Statement from Steve Smith, Arizona State Director for the American Federation for Children:

“Arizona has long been a leader in education freedom, and we are thrilled to see the Arizona House extend opportunities to all Arizona children today. On the heels of the Supreme Court fully affirming parents’ rights in education, all legislators should act. Arizona is proud to lead the way on expanding school choice for every family.”


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