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School Choice Wins in Nevada

The American Federation for Children, the nation’s voice for educational choice, applauds Nevada lawmakers for passing AB495 which will expand educational opportunities for thousands of children in the Silver State.

Statement from Valeria Gurr, Nevada State Director:
“Today is a great day for students and families in Nevada. Thank you to the Assembly and Senate Republican conferences for focusing on expanding school options to students, especially those who need it most. A special thank you to Senators Kieckhefer, Gansert, Buck, Pickard, and Hammond, and Assembly Members Roberts and Tolles for all of their support to ensure children in this state have a shot at a high-quality education and access to school options that meet their individual needs. We truly appreciate how hard these legislators fought and worked in a bipartisan way to increase funding for both the Opportunity Scholarship Program and Title I charter schools. Parents across the state are grateful for the courageous lawmakers willing to fight for families.
Also, I would like to recognize the alliance formed with the business community led by John Guedry and Nevada Mining Association President Tyre Gray who made this win for students possible. Lastly, a very special thank you to our allies, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the Charter School Association of Nevada, Power2Parent, ExcelinEd, the parents, and all the schools for additional support.”


  • SB463 is also included which will apply $3.8 million to hold a dozen charter schools harmless from funding drops
  • Title I charters will receive a one-time appropriation from federal funding for $15 million
  • The Opportunity Scholarship Program will be expanded to $22.8 million for the next biennium and a harmful provision preventing children from entering the program was erased


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