English translation below.
Mi Hijo es Gabriel tiene 6 años tiene 1 año en esta escuela, nosotros estamos muy contentos por que él era muy tímido y no socializaba, ahora es todo lo contrario.
Elegimos esta escuela por que hay muchas que nos gustan de ella. La Religión: primeramente queremos que el aprenda sobre Dios. Sabemos que en otra escuela no va a recibir la misma atención como en esta escuela no sufrirá de ningún acoso o bullying. Esta escuela tiene un nivel académico excelente y eso queremos para el que aprenda ya que a el le gustan las matemáticas. La seguridad es otro punto que nos convenció para que el asista a esta escuela. Que antes el era muy tímido y ahora a socializado bastante habla mas y se desenvuelve mejor entre las personas, a aprendido bastantes cosas en este tiempo.
Creo que como a todos queremos lo mejor para nuestros hijos y esta es una muy buena opción para nuestros niños ya que es una excelente opcion tanto para ellos como para nosotros, brindarles un desarrollo academico con este nivel es algo que les ayudara para su futuro. La recomiendo al cien porciento.
Es muy importante ya que como comentaba mi hijo era muy tímido, no socializaba le daba miedo estar solo y lejos de sus papas y aquí agarro esa confianza que ocupaba sentirse cómodo como en casa lo ayudo a cambiar en el sentido emocional ya que batallábamos bastante en ese aspecto.
My son is Gabriel and he is six years old. He has been at Loretto Catholic School for one year. We are very happy because he was very shy and did not socialize, but now it is the opposite. We chose this school because there are many things that we like. Religion, mainly. We want him to learn about God. We know that in another school he will not receive the same attention as in this school. Gabriel will not suffer from any harassment or bullying here. This school has an excellent academic level, and we want him to make the most of this experience as he likes math very much.
Safety is another point that convinced us for him to attend this school. Now that Gabriel attends Loretto, we have seen a huge difference. Before, he was very shy and now he socializes a lot, talks more, and gets on better with people, he has learned a lot in this time.
More families should have the opportunity to exercise school choice because I believe that we all want the best for our children and this is a very good opportunity for our children since it is an excellent option for both them and us, to provide them with academic development at this level. It is something that will help them for their future. I recommend it completely.
School choice has been very important for us, since, as I mentioned, my son was very shy, he did not socialize, he was afraid of being alone and away from his parents and here he acquired that confidence that he needed to feel as comfortable at school as at home. This new environment helped him change emotionally as we struggled a lot in that regard.