As a teacher of exceptional students, I have more than 50 students who require special individualized instruction. These students are brilliant, capable, dedicated scholars who strive to learn to the best of their varied abilities.
Painted Desert Montessori Academy has gifted educators who teach using Montessori strategies and practices which align with research-based practices for exceptional students with disabilities. I love the dedication of the staff in presenting material using manipulatives and hands-on approaches with real-world examples and a student-led collaborative learning approach. What a perfect environment for my students with disabilities! I love the multi-grade level classes, which allow for differentiation for all students and allow my exceptional students to receive that differentiation along with all other students.
Finally, I love that our students love school and love learning at PDMA. I have held more than a few transfer IEP meetings where behavioral supports are no longer needed that were needed at the other school. It amazes me that mutual respect was shown between teachers, staff, and students virtually eliminate the need for behavior interventions. Our students love PDMA, and it shows in their ability to manage their work time and their playtime with guidance and support rather than regulations.
Having retired once and come out of retirement to join the PDMA team, I have renewed faith in the ability of schools to meet the needs of all students and to maintain a staff that is driven by the belief in lifelong learning and the joy experienced by students who enjoy learning.
” I believe that every parent should be entitled to choose the school that their child attends. Montessori is not ideal for everyone, but neither is traditional public schooling.”
Absolutely, I believe more families should have the same privilege in exercising school choice. I believe that every parent should be entitled to choose the school that their child attends. Montessori is not ideal for everyone, but neither is traditional public schooling. Parents should be entitled to make the decision that works best for their own families and that best meets the needs of their children.
School choice means that I have the right to decide where I place myself and my family for learning, and that my tax dollars support my sovereign decision for the needs of my family. It means that I retain the decision-making power for my family, since I am best equipped to make that decision and am responsible for ensuring that my family contributes to the society in which we live.