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PROGRAM — Louisiana Scholarship Program

My name is Kaylee WalkerI am 12 years old, and I am in the 7th gradeI attend Family Worship Christian Academy and have made amazing friendsI love my school and all that the teachers have done for me in the nine years that I have been here

My teachers are very helpful and have made a very big impact on my lifeAll of my teachers have been teaching me with every bit of knowledge that they haveMy teachers have impacted my life by having confidence in me. My teachers have even taken time out of their day to help meThey have caring hearts and are always there to help you even if you are going through a hard time at your home. 

I have been at FWCA for nine years and I have gained much knowledge from my teachersMy school has trained me to know what I need to know when I begin to chase my dreamsThe Louisiana Scholarship Program has my back now and until I graduate from high schoolI have met many people who do not the chance to be on the Louisiana Scholarship Program and they have to attend a public school

FWCA has been there since I was in Pre-K and now I am in the 7th gradeWith the help of all my teachers along the way, I will advance to 8th grade next year and so on and so forth. Every day that I come to school, even when I don’t want to wake up in the morning, I always know that the teachers will be at school welcoming me with open arms and are ready to teach me everything I need to know for the real world.  

I honestly don’t have a favorite subject. I believe that as long as I have the supportive teachers that I have I will become successful in all subjectsMy teachers are all wonderful, so I love all of their classes. Like my math teachers always say, “you have a lot of potential. I always knew that I had a lot of potential and it was very nice to know that someone else thought and knew so too. 

The Louisiana Scholarship Program allowed me to attend a private school. In public schools there are bigger classrooms, but at our school there are smaller classes that allow students to have more one on one with teachers. 

I love my school and the Louisiana Scholarship Program because it gives me the advantage that not all other kids haveI am very blessed to be on the scholarship program and my teachers should be proud of their work.  


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